KaKa 可藍 單車美少女 塞爾維亞 raindog 

【穿著禮儀 II】
生 活常見禮儀 (★ 聽對話內容) 會 話主題:社交禮儀 【穿著禮儀 II】 While having a lunch break, Brian, Joyce and Vanessa go to Brian's favorite coffee shop around the corner. They talk about the dress code and enjoy their meal at the same time. 中午休息時間,Brian、Joyce 和 Vanessa 去轉角那間 Brian 最喜歡的咖啡館。他們一邊談論服裝規定一邊享用午餐。 Joyce:Hey, Vanessa. As a career woman, what do you think about wearing a suit?
Joyce:嘿,Vanessa。身為一位職 業婦女,妳覺得穿套裝怎麼樣?
Vanessa:A woman will definitely look good, and perhaps a little bit powerful in it. But as far as I am concerned, wearing a suit will never be at the top of my list.
Vanessa:穿套裝絕對會讓女人看起來不 錯,而且或許看起來有點權威感。但是就我而言,穿套裝絕對不是我的 首選。
Joyce:See, I told you, Brian.
Joyce:看吧,Brian,我告訴過你 啦。
Brian:Why's that? You don't have to think too much if you wear a suit.
Brian:為什麼呢?如果妳穿套裝,妳就不 用想太多啦。
:Come on! There are so many things a woman can wear. Take Joyce for example. She's concerned about the formal dress she will wear to visit her first client, right?Vanessa:拜託!一個女人有太多衣服可 以穿了。就拿 Joyce 為例好了。她在考慮拜訪第一個客戶時要穿什麼樣的正式服裝,對吧?
:Yes. Choosing the perfect outfit is almost driving me crazy. I've never done this before.Joyce:是啊。選擇合適的服裝簡直就快把我逼瘋了。我以前從來沒有做過這樣 的決定。
:Don't worry. You are young, and that is the strength of your appearance. You can choose a knit cloth or a twin set as a top. Either a formal skirt or formal pants will be fine. And the color is important as well. I think bright colors suit you well.Vanessa:別擔心。妳還年輕,而這是妳外表上的優勢。妳可以選擇一件針織衫或 是兩件式的針織上衣。不管是搭 配正式的裙子或是長褲都可以。顏色也很重要。我想你很適合明亮的顏 色。
:Don't forget to wear a pair of shoes that you can actually walk in.Brian:別忘了要穿一雙妳真的能穿著走路的鞋子。
:You're right. That is really important for us! As for the shoes, you can wear any nice-looking shoes, but please don't wear sandals or sneakers. Not even if they are beautiful.Vanessa:你說的對。那對我們來說真的很重要!至於鞋子的話 ,妳可以穿任何好看的鞋子,但是拜託別穿涼鞋或 是運動鞋。就算它們很好看也不行。
:Don't worry. I'm not a shoe lover. However, I'm really longing for a Gucci bag. I think I'll get one as soon as I get my paycheck.Joyce:別擔心。我不是一個熱愛鞋子的人。然而,我真的很渴望有一個 Gucci 的包包。我想我一拿到薪水就要去買一個。

重 要字詞講解1. dress code 服裝規定
例:They talk about the dress code
and enjoy their meal at the same time.
(他們一邊談論服裝規定一邊享用午餐。)例:This restaurant has a dress code
. All men have to wear a suit when dining in it.
※ 小叮嚀:
code 在這裏是「規則、規範」的意思。2. as far as I am concerned 就我而言
例:But as far as I am concerned
, wearing a suit will never be at the top of my list.
(但是就我而言,穿套裝絕對不是我的首選。)例:As far as I am concerned
, violence is never a way to solve problems.
(對我來說,暴力不是解決問題的手段。)3. drive someone crazy 讓某人發瘋
例:Choosing the perfect outfit is almost driving me crazy
(選擇合適的服裝簡直就快把我逼瘋了。)例:I don't want to talk to him. He drives me crazy
every time we have a conversation.
※ 小叮嚀:
drive 在這裏是「迫使、逼使」的意思,主詞是「讓人發瘋的人、事、物」。 4. even if 就算
例:Please don’t wear sandals or sneakers. Not even if
they are beautiful.
(拜託別穿涼鞋或是運動鞋。就算它們很好看也不行。)例:Even if
you are in a hurry, you can not exceed the speed limit.
※ 小叮嚀:
"even if" 是一個片語,後須搭配一個子句。5. long for 渴望
例:I'm really longing for
a Gucci bag.
(我真的很渴望有一個 Gucci 的包包。)例:I long for
a romantic date on Valentine's Day.
※ 小叮嚀:
"long for" 是動詞片語,後面須搭配名詞。
1. ____ ____ he is brilliant, we need a leader who is honest, ____ ____ ____ I am ____.  
(就我而言,縱使他很傑出,我們需要的是一位誠實的領 導人。)
2. The ____ ____ of my office is ____ me ____. I'm really ____ ____ a Casual Friday.
(辦公室的服裝規定快把我逼瘋了。我真的很想要便服 日。) 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答
解答1. Even if he is brilliant, we need a leader who is honest, as far as I am concerned.
(就我而言,縱使他很傑出,我們需要的是一位誠實的領 導人。)2. The dress code of my office is driving me crazy. I'm really longing for a Casual Friday.
(辦公室的服裝規定快把我逼瘋了。我真的很想要便服 日。)
相 關實用句型解析1. 某人渴望/切盼 ~
主詞 + long for + 名詞。例:I'm really longing for a Gucci bag.
(我真的很渴望有一個 Gucci 的包包。)
例:That actor longs for fame.
※ 小叮嚀:
long 除了可作形容詞、副詞和名詞外,亦可作動詞用。long 在本句型中與介系詞 for 連用;此外,long 亦可單獨使用,後接不定詞,意思仍相同。2. 某人/某事簡直快把某人逼瘋了。
某人/某事 + almost drive + 某人 + crazy。例:Choosing the perfect outfit is almost driving me crazy.
(選擇合適的服裝簡直就快把我逼瘋了。)例:To do this boring assignment almost drives me crazy.
※ 小叮嚀:drive 作及物動詞時,最常見的是作「駕駛(汽車)、用車送(人)」解 。在本句型中,drive 則有「迫使;逼迫」的意思。
1. 那些囚犯渴望自由。
______________________________ ______________________________ _________
2. 紐約的交通問題快把 Ella 逼瘋了。
______________________________ ______________________________ _________ 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答
解 答1. Those prisoners long for freedom.
2. The traffic in New York almost drives Ella crazy.

單字大補帖 ◎基本字彙   break (n.) 休 息時間;下課 發 音   client (v.) 客 戶;委託人;當事人 發 音   code (a.) 法 則;密碼 發 音 ◎一般字彙   appearance (n.) 出 現;露面 發 音   career woman (a.) 職 業婦女 發 音   definitely (adv.) 明 確地,明顯地 發 音 ◎ 進階字彙   knitwear (n.) 針織衣物 發 音


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    創作者 王中松 的頭像


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